This section of our website is provided to help you match common security concerns with solutions in buildings associated with Property Management. Security concerns are generally categorized in terms of protecting people and property while maintaining compliance with regulatory requirements. This includes managing keys for tenants, fire & life safety, accessibility (ADA), etc. The examples shown are a small subset of the overall solution set, but they are representative of the products and services used to enhance security in Commercial, Residential, and Office properties.
Main Entrance
How is access to the main entrance to the building controlled?
Is the main entrance restricted or locked 24 hours per day requiring an electronic credential to enter?
Are other entrances equipped with access control products where key cards or other similar items are used to access the building?
Is staff alerted by unauthorized ingress or egress to restricted areas or rooms?
Are doors able to be opened and closed easily while complying with ADA regulations?
Door Hardware, Mechanical
Does the facility have a preventative maintenance program to assure all locks are operating and securing doors properly?
Are any closets, bathrooms, storage rooms, etc. equipped with a functioning lock on the door?
Are other entrances equipped with access control products where key cards or other similar items are used to access the building?
Do doors with hydraulic door closers been tested to assure they meet ADA low resistance opening effort standards?
Perimeter / Surveillance
Is video surveillance used to monitor the property?
Are events that transpire on the grounds in the facility being recorded?
Has a video surveillance system audit been completed in the past year?
Is there an intercom system in place at the delivery entrance for vendors to use?
Is the parking garage entrance controlled by a card access system?
Does the access control system require a local PC to operate?
Would it be helpful to store access control data offsite?
Does the building owner/maintenance have the ability to manage the complexity and the high turnover rates associated with housing?
Who is operating the video systems?
Does the video surveillance system allow the tenant to monitor video of their space?
Key Control
Does maintenance know who has the key to every apartment unit?
How does maintenance keep track of keys?
Are spare keys stored in a locked cabinet with record and receipt of issued keys?
What steps are taken if a key is lost?
Can keys be duplicated?
How difficult is it to rekey a lock?
Is management faced with a cumbersome task of physically changing locks or keeping track of which tenants have returned their key?
For maintenance personnel, can a single key replace a heavy ring of keys?
Is the facility using master keys?
Is duplication done by property management or is service outsourced?
Does the building maintain a master key system for the office suites?
Are spare keys to tenant spaces, office suites, and/or mail boxes stored in a secure key cabinet?
Is elevator access controlled by the key card system?
How is access to the key cabinet controlled?
ADA Compliance
Is the hardware within the facility easily opened/ closed for individuals with handicap needs?
Do your doors automatically open for easy accessibility?
Are other entrances equipped with access control products where key cards or other similar items are used to access the building?
Are entrance doors equipped with ADA push button equipment which automatically open doors?
Complementary Items
Are doors reinforced at the location of the lock to protect from damage?
Are doors equipped with a door sweep to weatherize exterior doors from the elements?
Are doors equipped with products to prevent wind from damaging the doors?
Are door stops located on each door to prevent damage to walls?
Unit/Common Areas Security
Can the tenant access a common area with the same key they use to get in to their office suite door?
Can the common areas be restricted to only allow certain tenants into certain areas?
Are the locks and strike plates mounted securely?
Have the locks been re-keyed since the last tenant moved out?
Doors & Frames
Are Fire Rated doors present on emergency exits?
Is Fire Rated hardware installed on these doors?
Door Hardware, Electronic
Would elimination of manual rekeying when a resident moves or lost a key, or other security issue, be beneficial?
Would reduction in liability and the number of mechanical keys issued be beneficial?
Is tracking installed on door hardware to determine where and when maintenance personnel or contractors enter rooms or other areas?
In common areas, are time restrictions available on the door hardware?
Does staff carry ID Badges for access control with audit trail and time restrictions?
Can the building owner/maintenance track who has been in certain rooms at what time and how long?
Is key management software used?
Does the building owner/maintenance have the ability to manage the complexity and the high turnover rates associated with housing?
Does a tenant have the ability to use one electronic key to maintain access to the resident’s private living quarters and all of the property’s amenities?
Is management able to control multiple properties from a single database?
Would it be helpful to manage the electronic key system from the leasing office instead of having to visit the door to make changes?
Does the access control system have an audit trail to review the history of the user access to the controlled areas?
Is key card access expiration useful in managing the property?
Key Machines
Is key duplication done by the property manager, or is this service outsourced?
Fire & Life Safety
In case of power loss, are doors equipped with an illumination option to view exits with smoke in the building?
Do your doors automatically open for easy accessibility?
Are panic bars being used in stairwells and emergency exit doors?